General Intensive Care

Intensive care units:

Surgical intensive care and Internal medicine intensive care

1) All trauma patients (head trauma, severe fractures, whole body trauma etc.)

2) Serious injuries

3) cerebral hemorrhage

4) Paralysis

5) Severe respiratory insufficiency

6) Acute / chronic renal failure

7) Nervous system diseases (Myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré, etc.)

8) Serious infections

9) Poisoning


Coronary intensive care

1) Cardiac insufficiency

2) Carotid stent insertion

3) Acute coronary syndrome and MI cases

4) Cases of abdominal aorta and peripheral artery interventions

5) Block or pacemaker applications.


Cardiovascular intensive care

1) Aorta coronary bypass (CABG)

2) Valve repair and replacement surgeries

3) Ascending and arcus aorta surgeries

4) Peripheral artery diseases

5) Deep vein thrombosis

6) Life-threatening stab wounds and firearm injuries

7) Pericardial tamponades

8) Sternum instability

9) Carotid artery surgeries

10) Peripheral artery embolectomy

Neonatal intensive care

1) Prematurity

2) Respiratory distress syndrome

3) Hyperbilirubinemia

4) Acute bronchiolitis

5) Pneumonia

6) Transient tachypnea of the newborn

7) Other neonatal diseases causing respiratory distress

8) Neonatal surgery (major and minor surgeries such as all sorts of gastrointestinal atresia, NEC, urinary tract surgeries, V-P shunts, neural tube defects, etc.)

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