Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Departments of Istinye University Hospitals Group aims to provide healthcare services, which are up-to-date and in strict concordance with ethical principles and international standards, for patients who meet indication of physiotherapy and/or rehabilitation at inpatient and outpatient settings.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation departments are comprised of examination rooms, physiotherapy rooms and exercise halls, which are equipped with state-of-the-art medical devices, and outpatient, inpatient and critical-care patients are managed by our experienced physicians and physiotherapists.

Considering the diseases or injuries which are within field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation by nature, aim of physiotherapy and rehabilitation is to enhance life quality of patients, who have conditions which lead to disability of various body parts or threaten life.

Principally, contemporary rehabilitation techniques are performed to increase independent mobility potential, alleviate pain and ensure maximum mobility.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department deals with rehabilitation of sports injuries, post-fracture rehabilitation, rehabilitation in postoperative period of meniscus surgery and rehabilitation of post-arthroplasty within scope of orthopedic rehabilitation.

Internationally recognized physiotherapy protocols are employed to prevent articular problems or correct limited mobility of joints, to alleviate low back pain and cervicalgia and to rehabilitate rheumatoid diseases within scope of rehabilitation of muscular diseases.

Patients with para- or hemi-plegia and spinal injuries are provided with physiotherapy and rehabilitation services following muscle, tendon and nerve injuries and cerebral palsy in the field of neurologic rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation programs, which are specialized for patients, are performed for preventing joint contractures and decreasing loss of function following diagnosis and medical treatment of rheumatic diseases especially for the patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

Rehabilitation for ostheoporosis and degenerative joint diseases, treatment and rehabilitation for fibromyalgia syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, temporomandibular diseases and scoliosis, as well as pulmonary rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation, rehabilitation for vertigo, rehabilitation following microsurgical operation for hand injuries, and obstetric and uro-gynecologic physiotherapy are performed.

A wide range of physiotherapy and rehabilitation services is delivered, such as intra-articular injection, soft tissue injection, PRP for musculo-skeletal system diseases, neural therapy, mesotherapy, and pain treatment with dry needle.

Botilinum Toxin is used by our experienced Physiatrists in selected patients for cerebral palsy, stroke and spasticities secondary to spinal injury.


Manual therapy is an effective and pain-free therapy which is performed by hands for lumbalgia, cervicalgia, dorsalgia and many other musculo-skeletal system problems. This treatment approach covers specific techniques that are performed with hands for joints, muscles, soft tissues and many myofascial structures. This method has a special place in physiotherapy and it is an effective and safe procedure used for many musculo-skeletal system disorders and spinal pain.

Muscle spasms, joint blocks, compressed nerves, and strained and stiffened myofascial structures can cause pain and severely disturb daily life of a person. Manual therapy is performed to eliminate dysfunctions of these structures by taking anatomic and physiological processes into account.  In other words, this treatment modality intends healthy functioning of tissues without use of any medication. Tissue functioning is restored using unique mobilization, manipulation, stretching, relaxing and muscle-energy techniques. This effective, pain- and side effect-free method principally helps following conditions;

• Herniated lumbar and cervical discs

• Pain in muscles and facet joints of spine,

* Myofascial pain syndrome.

• Frozen shoulder, impingement syndrome, rotator cuff ruptures,

• Nerve entrapments in arms and legs,

• Hip and sacroiliac joint ache,

• Meniscus and ligament injuries in knee.

• Limited joint movement secondary to fracture.

• Headache originating from cervical region


Lymphatic system transfers fluid from interstitial compartment to blood stream and it cooperates with immune system to filter foreign bodies.


Lymphedema is congenital or acquired abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid in the tissue secondary to poor functioning of lymph system.

Acquired lymphedema is caused by various factors. Lymphedema may develop in patients who have history of mastectomy, removal of lymph nodes and radiotherapy for breast cancer.

Recurrent infections, chronic venous failure, lipoedema, and traumatic injuries may cause secondary lymphedema.

Lymphedema is a disease which may worsen if left untreated . The disease begins in arm, dorsum of hand or ankle. If it is left untreated, swelling spreads and impairs healthy structure of skin. This disease, colloquially called elephant disease, should be treated immediately.


This method is used for stimulating the blocked lymphatic ducts in lymphatic system, flowing accumulated lymph fluid with special techniques and draining the lymph fluid from the edematous limb. Congested lymphatic ducts with low flow rate are activated with manual lymph drainage to restore functioning of lymphatic system. Next, bandaging method is performed. Compression clothes may be considered, if it is necessary. Manual lymph drainage should not be confused with classical massage; this drainage method is based on special application techniques and it is performed by specially trained physiotherapists.


Skin care is important for lymphedematous arms and legs.

Powder can be used to prevent fungal infection in hands and feet.

Lacerations, burns and scratches may cause infections.

The edematous arm should not be used for injection, blood drawing and blood pressure measurement.

Spraining and straining activities should be avoided.

Heat and sun light should be avoided

Comfortable clothes should be preferred rather than tight clothes.


Bandage is used to prevent recurrence of swelling, after edema is drained with manual lymph drainage. Bandage materials should have minimum elasticity and specific for the patient. Patients are required to stay bandaged for 24 hours following the procedure. It should be maintained until edema disappears. Next, patients should wear pressure dressing to maintain the current condition.


Personalized exercise programs should be prepared. Exercises should begin with breathing exercises. Lymphatic flow increases with breathing exercises. Moreover, appropriate sports can be done, such as swimming, jogging (with pressure clothing), exercises in water and yoga.​

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